Thursday, April 18, 2019

2019-2021 In Colors

Here's a great comparison chart of old and current colors so you can see how the new 2019-2021 In colors fit. Also, note the RGB codes are for your computer use.

Remember to shop early as all retiring 2017-2019 In Color items will sell out quickly!

It's been crazy hectic getting my Emporium open -- May 1st is coming quickly!! I have now carved out a space for classes, and need to get my crafting stuff unpacked! I hope to be able to do this tomorrow! Today, I'm cleaning glass and putting the shelves in the display cases for my Precious Moments. This gets the glass out of my work space at the register and where I will be crafting during store hours.

Feel free to stop in and check out my new store! Just knock on the door so I know you're out there!

Happy Crafting,


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the RGB Codes, Desiree. I have no other idea how or where to get them.
